Sunday 27 February 2011

Evaluation Preparation

Screening Preparation - to help for Question 3

Having done our teaser trailer 'Institution' we the Shock Media knew that different mediums of audience feedback had to be devised one being the screening and audience feedback of our teaser this then enables us to interract with our audince by actually getting their opinions about the different components that create a horror themed teaser trailer.
Before any filming 'Hanging out' had to be done this invovled research into the best in creating a screening of a teaser trailer and feedback session we found out that since that screening would take place in our college becuase it was ideal since our target audience is in the masses however since classes would be in session and students would be moving in and out noise would therefore be a problem and decided that all the subjects invovled in the research would wear headphones inorder to maintain the quality of the footage.

However if we could improve the screening the of the trailer then the lighting with be dark similiar to cinemas, we say this because having dark ligthing while watching a horror would have given a scary ambience and as a result make the teaser trailer a more effective theme of fear on the viewer.

We then had to figure out how we would devise the feedback section and decided on the queit area in our college would be a useful area to do our Q &A however on the day of filming our ideal area of interviewing was constantly interrupted by students and members of staff we had over come the noises and letting people through while filming and this made our feedback segment lasty longer then neeeds be, and becuase of this during post production on Final Cut Pro, subtitles where added to one of our interviewiees due to background noise.

We now had to decided who we would actauly ask to be part of our research as a group we decided that by asking a wide range of different audiences it would enable our research to have fair and reliable results by doing so we set out to ask three males three females, and their ethnicities being Male/Female Black,Male/Female Asian,Male/Female Caucasian.

Be that as it may there were still difficulities when asking people to take most were either on their way to class or 'camera shy' this then prolonged the process of fimling in spite this hurdle we still found people who were willing but we were unable to find a Caucasian female who wasn't 'camera shy' even though we assured all who we asked that the footage would be used on a professional level for education purposes.

Now that we had our participants we could now be 'Messing around' meaning actualy going out and filming. Part of filming meant that we filmed the participants reactions to the teaser trailer and as in seen in the footage we were pleased to see that most of our participant were genuinely scarred of what they saw which connotes fear, this then supported one our aims of creating an authentic Horrror teaser trailer that instilled a sense of build up to the penultimate of fear.

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