Tuesday 22 February 2011

Filming - Camera Shots - Beverley Menya

As the head of filming/ director I had to ensure that the teaser consists of different shots. Different shots are necessary to make the teaser seem very realistic and to make the trailer more interesting. Being a director I had to ensure that the camera was always in focus and that the right shots were used at the right times. A teaser trailer is supposed to be no longer than one minute so both the editor and I had to work hand in hand to select the right shots, different cuts and the length of the transitions. My role as the director consists of me filming the same thing over continuously but making sure I had a variety of shots so that the best shots were chosen. An example of different shots would include: medium close up, close up and long shot. 
Examples of different shots that were used in filming:
 Medium close up – from chest upwards between medium shot & close up. 

Mid-shot – both subject and background is shown. I used the medium shot a number of times in the trailer. One example of me using this shot would be when the actor was on bended knees holding the bear.

A close up shot was used to show the blood on the characters hands. 

                                                    over-the-shoulder shot
Ovs- also known as an Over the Shoulder shot. This was used when the character was rocking the teddy in her arms. 

Eye level shot- when the camera is at the same level as persons eyes. This is the most camera angle used through out the trailer. Low angle- was used when character was holdng the teddy bear. This was used to show the level that the character was on since the character was sitting on the floor.

Reference: http://www.mediacollege.com/

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