If we wanted to broadcast our film on the television I beleive that 'BBC3' would be a perfect channel to do this on. BBC3 already have show programmes that target my age group and have a large audience. With BBC3 also being apart of digital television it is easy to access as well as BBC iplayer online meaning that people who use the media on different platforms could still access this. Over the years the aim of the BBC was to make BBC3 a channel for the younger generation and with statistics proving that the number of people aged 16-30 tuning into this channel increasing then this would definatly be a consideration if we was to broadcast our film. The BBC has a good enough reputation, and with it being well known throughout the UK I believe that promotion through the BBC would be ideal. With people being able to access it through the UK and online this means we have more of a chance of attracting a wider audience or a bigger mass of people. People also prefer to watch films on the BBC rather than other channels as BBC does not have any adverts which means films can not be interrupted.
I also think that Channel 4 would also be a good option as they already work with the young genration '4Talent' which works with youngsters on trying to help them with their talents and give them oppertunities. So as they are already involved with helping people of my groups age, this means we would have an oppertunity of Channel 4 working with us. It would be a suitable channel to broadcast our film as they already show a lot of British film and also have '4OD' which allows people to access their channel through the internet. Channel 4 also show adverts meaning we could use this for promoting our trailer (synergy) which would help us on reaching out to wider audiences.
For our poster we could get in contact with magazines such as empire, and total film as I know that these are respected magazines with a mass audience and therefore this would be perfect for promoting our film if our poster was recognized in a well established magazine. With these magazines targeting a mass market we would have more of an opportunity of of reaching out to people and making them more familiar with our trailer which would hopefully encourage them to watch a full length film. Working alongside the companies and publishers would hopefully create a buzz around our film as 'shock media' would be becoming more noticed by film fanatics.
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