Tuesday 22 February 2011

Research- Logos

As part of the horror teaser trailer we had to create a name for our production team 'Shock Media' and design a logo for said name, before starting any design research had to be done into existing production
company logos.

Lime Grove Studios, 1960 British Film Company.
What brought our attention to this particular logo is because of the dennotation an actual 'lime' is used as the main image in the logo this device makes the logo more memorable for audiences. 

Horizon Productions are a film and video production company based in Wales.

This logo aims to convey aspirations of growth by the different sized mountains within film during the ages.

Paramount Pictures Cooperation an American film production and distribution company.


This logo is of a mountain based on a doodle made by W.W. Hodkinson about the memories of his childhood in Utah in the U.S., underneath the mountain is Viacom a media conglomerate.The stars around the mountain connotes the glamour of Hollywood with celebrities and the rich life which is then relayed into film, creating the 'American dream' 

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