Tuesday 22 February 2011

Shooting Script

Shooting Script

The teaser trailer will consist of 4 short scenes. We have chosen to include no more than 4 scenes to give away as little as possible in the teaser. All scenes will be shot in the same location. The soundtrack will be the same throughout, with only the pacing changing as the soundtrack progresses.

Location of shots – Interior – Outside the Media classrooms (corridor)
Time of day – Night time, low-key lighting throughout
Soundtrack – Lullabye-style music made by us & a song with children creepily singing. Throughout scenes 3-4 the music will be fast paced and prior to this it will be slow –paced.
Dialogue - None

Scene 1:  “After a murder?” - Bloody prints, scratching, and vigorous shaking of hands.
This scene will consist of four different camera shots. The bloody hands and bloody prints on the floor will be the main focus of the shots. The opening shot will be an extreme close up of the character’s bloody hands. The lighting will be low-key but not too dark, bringing full attention to bloodiness of the hands in the shot. The prints on the floor will be a Point of View shot, giving the reader the impression that a potential victim is discovering a murder scene, the lighting in this shot will also be low-key, but again not too dark, drawing attention to the bloody prints on the floor. Finally, a wide-angle shot of the hands shaking vigorously, with the two teddy bear props noticeable in the background.

Scene 2: “Soft insanity” - mothering the teddy bears
This scene is split into two different camera shots; a medium close up and an over-the-shoulder shot. The lighting in these shots is low-key and focused on the subject (the actress). There is no camera movement, and the shots show the same action, just from different angles. This is to bring focus to the strange behavior of the character.

-Pace change -

Scene 3: “Brewing aggression” - ripping out the insides of the teddy bears, rocking back and forth
This is where a majority of action in the teaser will take place. This scene is comprised of different camera shots/movement including a wide angle shot, medium long shot and tracking movement. These shots will all bring focus to the subject of the shots and her actions, drawing attention to her aggressive and insane behavior. The variation in the shots used, as well as the tracking movement will be carried out to assist the audience in getting a closer perspective of the main subject.

Scene 4: “Identifying the killer”banging/knocking on door, turning towards camera, attacking the camera
This scene will comprise of tracking movement following the main subject. The scene will also consist of a variation of close-ups capturing the subject at different distances.  The penultimate shot will be an extreme close up of the subject. At this point audiences should be able to gather that the killer is female, thus identifying the killer. To have this reveal in the last scene will hopefully effectively draw in our audiences and convince to see a full-length version. The last shot will be a high-angle medium close up of the subject attacking the camera, giving the idea that the camera is representative of a victim in the film. 

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