Tuesday 22 February 2011

Extra Research - Teaser Trailers

As my role is researcher within the group I thought it would be a good idea to research exsiting film companies and find out about post production processes of teaser trailers within the film industry.

-Through research I found out that teaser trailers can sometimes be emergency marketing moves to convince consumers about future film releseases. I think teaser trailers are a great way of advertising as if they are made rememereable they could be what persuades a consumer to go and watch a movie. As they are only 30-60 seconds long they wont be as difficult as a movie to make so producers and editors should not find it too difficult to create one. As teaser trailers reveal little of the storyline they should engage audiences so that they are convinced to watch a full length film.

-They are also sometimes filmed before any of the actual movie is filmed for example 'The Da Vinci Code' this teaser trailer was released before the film had been shot. So this shows that the majprity of teaser trailers do not contain footage from the actual film which contrasts with the purpose of a teaser trailer as the aim is to 'tease'

-Sometimes they are even released over a year before the actual film is released for example 'The Incredibles' teaser trailer was released 18 months before the film was released.
I think that this may not always be a good idea, as people may see a teaser trailer they like, but as the film takes so long to be released people may forget about the film by the time the full length film is actually released.

-One case study I found reported that A teaser for 'Star Wars' was attatched to the film 'The Siege' and apparently many people paid to see that film just for the Star Wars trailer that was shown. By attaching teaser trailers to films this means that film fans who go and watch films in the cinema would see this trailer and remember it in the future, so this attracts more customers as its targeted at a mass audience.

-Another shows that the 'Cloverfield' teaser trailer was attatched to 'Transformers' and the trailer did not even reveal the name of the movie, just the release date and the name of the producer. So this way the audiences would have to research the producers name if they were interested in the trailer to see the up and coming films that were going to be released by this producer. This gives the producer more recognition (J.Abrams) but does not allow the audience to remember the title of the film which is a downfall and if they don't remember the title they would not recognise the film when it comes out.

I think teaser trailers are a good way to create a buzz around a film and they could determine whether people go and watch a film or not. Although they dont contain a lot, they contain more information than movie posters and therefore that is why they must be made correctly. In our trailer we have tried to make it so that it does not reveal to much, but the audience will get the general idea of what the film may be about. We tried to contain footage that would cause suspense and confuse the audience in order for them to actually want to go and see the full length movie version. Its a great way of promoting and could determine if someone would go and watch a full length movie.

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